VaKE in Israel
Reversed session 3
13:10-14:30 Tuesday, 27 June, 2023, Room 3
"name":"VaKE in Israel",
"label":"Add to calendar",
Reversed Full session: A session in which several lectures on one common subject are prerecorded and viewed by the audience prior to the session. The focus of the face-to-face session will be on a discussion of the session contents.
- Values and Knowledge Education and Argumentation enabled by e-concept maps
Prof. Dorit Alt1, Dr. Dorit Alt2, Prof. Alfred Weinberger3, Prof. Karin Heinrichs4
1 Tel Hai College, Upper Galilee, Israel. 2 Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem, Israel. 3 Private University of Education,, Diocese Linz, Austria. 4 University of Teacher Education, Upper Austria, Austria - Gadamer meets VaKE: Applying students’ tradition on Values Education
Dr. Belrose Ludmir Maram1, Jean-Luc Patry2,3
1 Beit Berl College, Beit Berl, Israel. 2 Paris-Lodron University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria. 3 Association for Values and Knowledge Education, Salzburg, Austria - The Contribution of Narrative Video making to SEL using VaKE
Dr. Evanna Ratner
Gordon Academic College, Haifa, Israel - Combining VAKE and reflection: A recipe for effective teacher education
Dr. Roxana G. Reichman
Gordon Academic College, Haifa, Israel