Media education futures post-pandemic
Reversed session 5
11:00-12:20 Tuesday, 27 June, 2023, Room 2
"name":"Media education futures post-pandemic",
"label":"Add to calendar",
Reversed Full session: A session in which several lectures on one common subject are prerecorded and viewed by the audience prior to the session. The focus of the face-to-face session will be on a discussion of the session contents.
- Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic
Dr. Yonty Friesem1, Dr. Usha Raman2, Dr. Igor Kanižaj3
1 Columbia College Chicago, Chciago, USA. 2 University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India. 3 University of Zagreb, Hyderabad, India - National Broadcasting System as a Media Literacy Agent During Covid-19
Dr. Evanna Ratner1, Dr. Bahaa’ Makhoul2,3
1 Gordon Academic College, Haifa, Israel. 2 Oranim College of Education, Haifa, Israel. 3 CET.THE CENTER FOr EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, Tel Aviv, Israel - Planning New Media Projects in Academic MOOC During the Pandemic
Dr. Orly Melamed1,2, Prof. Rivka Wadmany3
1 Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel-Aviv, Israel. 2 Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. 3 Ariel University, Ariel, Israel