Young voices: Listening to preschool children’s perspectives
Reversed session 6
14:50-16:10 Tuesday, 27 June, 2023, Room 11
"name":"Media education futures post-pandemic",
"label":"Add to calendar",
Reversed Full session: A session in which several lectures on one common subject are prerecorded and viewed by the audience prior to the session. The focus of the face-to-face session will be on a discussion of the session contents.
- Preschoolers’ perceptions on integration of digital technologies
Dr. Ora Segal-Drori1, Dr. Anat Ben Shabat2
1 The Academic College Levinsky-Wingate, Tel-Aviv, Israel. 2 Beit Berl College, Beit Berl, Israel - Research with children – Exploring young children’s perspectives
Dr. Yael Kesner Baruch
The Academic College Levinsky-Wingate, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Beit Berl College, Beit Berl, Israel. Hemdat College of Education, Netivot, Israel - Photograph-Interview with Children (PIC)- Preschoolers’ perceptions about the physical learning environment
Dr. Netta Perry, Prof. Esther Adi-Japha, Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel