Preparing minority teachers for multicultural settings: Evidence from five countries
מושב הפוך 1
שעות המושב- 15:00-16:40 Monday, 26 June, 2023, Room 13
"name":"Preparing minority teachers for multicultural settings: Evidence from five countries",
"label":"הוסף ללוח השנה",
Reversed Full session: A session in which several lectures on one common subject are prerecorded and viewed by the audience prior to the session. The focus of the face-to-face session will be on a discussion of the session contents.
- Education & Prejudice: On Roma Teachers in the Czech Republic
Zbyněk Němec, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic - Minority Teachers in Germany: Developments, Focal Points and Current Trends
Prof Lisa Rosen1, Prof Drorit Lengyel2
1 University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany. 2 University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany - The Experiences of Māori Teachers in English-Medium Settings in New Zealand
Dr Hana Turner-Adams, Professor Christine Rubie-Davies
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand - The Role of Identity in Curricular and Pedagogical Decision Making
Dr. Kelly Allen
Augusta University, Augusta, USA - Disrupting pedagogical systems of oppression: An autoethnography of a Latina
Dr. Jennifer Barreto
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, USA - Theoretical insights into the integration of minority teachers from the international perspective
Dr Mary Gutman
Efrata College, Jerusalem, Israel